How to help your kids adjust to moving house

Moving house can be incredibly stressful at the best of times, but there is so much more to consider when you have kids in tow. While you may be feeling enthusiastic and excited about making a fresh start in a new home and possibly a new area; your kids may be feeling a little apprehensive about the situation. It is entirely understandable for children to feel reluctant to move home, especially if it is the only house they have ever lived in. However, kids are incredibly adaptable to new situations, so in time they should share your excitement and enthusiasm about life in your new home. In the meantime, there are lots of ways that you can help to prepare your kids for the move to help them feel secure during the moving process and to adjust to living in a new home. These tips should help you to make the transition to a new home a lot easier for your little ones:


Get them involved

Kids love to get involved in jobs around the home, especially when they feel they are helping out with important tasks. As moving to a new home is a family affair, why not get everyone involved in the moving process? Getting the kids to help out with packing some of their items is an excellent way for them to feel part of the move and begin adjusting to the fact that they will live in a new house.

If possible, (and if COVID restrictions allow) it is also helpful for the kids to view your new home before they move in. Seeing the new house and looking around will take away the fear of the unknown and make it less of an upheaval when moving day comes around. Talking to your children about which bedroom will be theirs and the exciting things you can put in the garden for them to play with will help build their enthusiasm for their new home.

Talk about the move positively

Children are excellent at picking up on the adults’ behaviour in their lives, so it is crucial to keep this in mind when moving house. If you are continually stressed out and speaking negatively about the place you are moving to, your kids will pick up on these conversations and influence their feelings about life in your new home. Talking about the move positively is the best way to avoid the kids picking up on any negative vibes and becoming even more unsettled.

Reduce the stress of the move

To help you feel optimistic about the move, it is a wise idea to make it as stress-free as possible. Using a professional moving service will help you to minimize your stress levels and make the transition to your new home easier for the kids. When you use a moving service, you won’t need to worry about lifting and carrying boxes, instead, you can focus your attention on making the move a positive experience for the whole family. Do your research and look for a reputable company. For example, if you live in Oxford, search for oxford movers and pick a few companies to give you a quote to make the move stress-free.

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