How to choose the right grass for your lawn
One of the biggest things to consider when designing a new lawn is what type of grass to choose. There are many different types of grass – around 11,400 of them! It’s important that you choose the right type of grass. On top of considering what the grass will look like, it’s important to consider the type of conditions that it thrives in and how easy it is to maintain. Below are just a few tips on how to select the right type of grass for your lawn.
What are some things to consider when choosing grass?
There are a few questions that are worth asking yourself to help you choose the perfect type of grass.
What is your local climate like?
Some grasses thrive in warmer climates. These are known as ‘warm season grasses’. Such grasses are able to deal with a lot of direct sun and can survive a long time without water. They can be quite slow growing and don’t need to be mowed as often. They love the heat, but don’t do so well in cold temperatures – often entering a dormant state to survive. Too much frost or snow can quickly kill off this type of grass.
Other types of grass grow well in cooler climates. These are known as ‘cool season grasses’. Unlike warm season grasses, cold season grasses are more shade tolerant and are hardy against cold temperatures. Lawns made of this grass are usually much denser and have the ability to repair themselves. A downside of these types of grass is that they don’t deal so well with drought or high temperatures, and often require more regular mowing due to being faster growing.
How much sunlight does your lawn get?
All grass needs sunlight to grow. However, some types of grass need more sunlight than others. For areas that get lots of direct sunlight, it’s important to choose a type of grass that loves the sun. Warm-season grasses are most likely to fit the bill.
Other types of grass grow better in dappled sunlight or are able to survive with only a few hours of sunlight per day. These are a good choice in gardens that are surrounded by trees or north-facing lawns.
What type of soil does your lawn have?
Different types of grass are used to grow in different types of soil. It’s important that you know which type of soil is in your garden so that you can choose a suitable grass.
For example, some types of grass naturally grow in sandy soil. This type of soil drains very quickly. As a result, it’s important that you choose a species of grass that is able to absorb water and nutrients quickly – otherwise you will need to keep watering and fertilising your lawn to keep your grass healthy.
Other types of grass are used to growing in clay soil. This type of soil holds water and can more easily become waterlogged. In order for your lawn to thrive in this type of soil, it’s essential that you choose a species of grass that can survive in waterlogged soil. That is unless you are willing to regularly aerate your lawn or invest in methods of drainage.
How much foot traffic will your lawn get?
Some types of grass are very delicate. Walking over this grass continuously will damage it and stunt its growth. Such grass is better suited to ornamental lawns that are rarely walked over – and therefore unsuitable for homeowners who have young kids or pets.
Other types of grass can handle a lot of foot traffic. These are the types of grass that are typically used in sports fields. If you have kids or pets, you may want to choose this type of grass.
How much maintenance are you willing to put in?
Some types of grass are more high-maintenance. They have to be mowed often or watered often in order to grow properly. In other cases, certain types of grass may be susceptible to local pests or weeds.
Other types of grass may require little maintenance. Such grass doesn’t require a lot of mowing and watering, and is able to fend off weeds and pests quite well. Typically, if you want to choose a low maintenance grass option, it’s best to choose a native grass that naturally thrives in your local area. Growing a grass species that doesn’t naturally grow in your area is likely to be more challenging.
What are some of the common types of grass used in lawns?
Now you know what to look for when choosing a grass, it’s worth knowing a few of the most common species of grass used in lawns. Below are just a few of the world’s favourite types of grass.
Kentucky bluegrass
Kentucky bluegrass is a cool-season grass with a distinctive lush dark green/blue appearance. It’s a favourite choice for suburban lawns across America because it grows well in a variety of sunlight conditions and soil types (although it thrives best in limestone-based soils). Due to being very resistant against foot traffic, it’s also a popular choice in sports stadiums.
Tall fescue
Tall fescue is another popular cool season grass. It’s got a light green appearance and coarse, spiky texture. It’s one of the hardiest and most versatile grasses – it can thrive in shady areas, withstand periods of drought and grow well in areas of high foot traffic. It may not be as soft to touch as other grass, but it’s generally easy to look after. Tall Fescue’s fast growth does however mean that you could be mowing quite regularly.
Bermuda grass
Bermuda grass is a warm season grass with a dark green appearance. It thrives in direct sunlight and is fairly drought-resistant. Like Kentucky bluegrass, it’s also able to withstand a lot of foot traffic and is commonly used for sports fields. Bermuda grass is also one of the fastest growing grasses and has a reputation for invading other lawns.
Zoysia is another warm season grass that is light green in color with a thick carpet-like appearance. It can grow in almost any type of soil (including sandy soil) and has a high tolerance to heat and drought. Zoysia is quite a slow growing grass, which can leave it vulnerable to invasions from fast growing grasses like Bermuda grass. This guide on how to get rid of Bermuda grass in Zoysia could be helpful if you do choose this grass type.
Perennial ryegrass
Perennial ryegrass is a cool season grass that’s known for being particularly hardy. It has a shiny green appearance and is able to thrive in most soil types (except for very watery soil). It has a particularly high tolerance against frost compared to other types of grass. Because it is fast-growing, perennial ryegrass also suppresses any weeds and is able to repair itself quickly.
Meadow grass
Meadow grass is a cool season grass that is light green and rugged in appearance. It is sometimes treated as a weed because of how tufty and invasive it is, but it can also be used as a lawn grass. A benefit of meadow grass is that it can grow well in waterlogged soil and is therefore recommended in flood-prone gardens. If allowed to grow, meadow grass can often produce vibrant flowers in Spring.
Hopefully this post has educated you a little more on some of the different types of grass used in lawns. By considering your garden’s climate, sunlight levels and soil type, you can narrow down which type of grass to use. Make sure to also consider how the lawn will be used and how much maintenance you are prepared to put in to keep it looking lush.