Friday Photos #5
We’re in December!! Hurrah! How excited are your kids about Christmas? Mine have been constantly asking me when they can open their advent calendars and now finally they can stop pestering me about it!
My IG feed is starting to look a little festive as we attended a Christmas event at Pines and Needles last week and the boys came away with two mini trees (keep an eye out for the review soon). We’re going to be decorating our big tree (once I’ve made room for it) this weekend and we are also off to see the man in red himself at Painshill Park where Father Christmas will be residing in a Crystal Grotto!
Here are some of my favourite photos from Instagram last week.
Favourites from my IG feed
I LOVE this photo from Laura over at Five Little Doves. It was taken at Lapland UK which we visited last year, it is such a magical place – even for adults and I think Laura’s photo captures the magic beautifully.
Rachel from Coffee, Cake, Kids moved to Wales recently and the photos of the area near her new home are simply stunning.
Flashback Photos
My sister found some old photos a few weeks back and I love this one of us. It brings back so many memories of Christmas when I was a kid!

Same time again next week?