Flying long haul with two children under 5
We are off to Hong Kong tomorrow evening and I am dreading the flight! It’s now 11pm and I have given up on packing properly until tomorrow….I still need to buy travel insurance and exchange money (two other jobs for tomorrow) and I feel the most unorganised I have ever been…

I have however, managed to charge and load up the iPad with movies and games for E, wrapped up toys for the boys to open on the flight, gathered a huge stash of snacks and treats and packed various pens/magnetic doodle draw and sticker/activity books (can you tell I’m nervous about having to entertain them in a confined space for 12 hours?) and then I proceeded to faf about for the rest of the evening doing things but still not having achieved much packing….
As it’s an evening flight tomorrow I am *hoping* M will be an angel and will be tired enough to at least sleep the first half of the flight…but we shall see..children are unpredicable aren’t they?
Have you successfully survived a long haul flight with your children? I’d love to hear how you did it!