Our Favourite Five – December
First of all – Happy New Year to you lovely people. December seems like an age ago now…and in true form with all the festivities this linky is late (again!)
December was a crazily busy month for everyone I’m sure but I am really looking forward to reading all your posts on your favourites in December.
Without further ado – here are our favourites for the last month.
1. Christmas
Well this one had to be top of the list right? Now that M is getting a little older he is really getting the idea of presents and Christmas. It was so sweet watching the boys leave reindeer food and snacks for Father Christmas on Christmas eve and to see their faces light up when opening presents. I don’t want them to ever grow up and stop believing in it all!
2. Family time
This one comes hand in hand with Christmas. We had such a wonderful two-week break. No work, no blogging, no interruptions. We slept in every day until gone 9am, we had chocolate for breakfast because we could, the boys enjoyed hot chocolate before bedtime with a story. We also played games, watched numerous amounts of movies and the boys played with their new toys. I won’t lie – going back to work this week has been tough!
3. New camera
A belated Christmas present from Mr H. I wanted a new camera because for the last year of blogging or so I have been borrowing my sisters Canon G12 or using my iPhone. I didn’t want to spend too much money on an expensive DSLR for fear I would drop and break it, plus I really didn’t want anything too bulky because chances are I would never end up taking it with me anywhere.
So, after much research, I went for the Nikon Coolpix S990. It’s so new I have yet to take any proper pictures on it but I am SO excited to finally have a camera of my own!
A photo posted by Suburban Mum (@suburbanmum) on
4. Disney On Ice
You may have seen my review for this over the Christmas break. We thoroughly enjoyed the show. Definitely one of our highlights of December.

5. K’NEX Double Doom Rollercoaster
Ever since we went to Alton Towers in September, E’s new obsession has been to watch rollercoasters on YouTube. He isn’t brave enough to go on them mind. but he does love them. So when he saw the K’nex rollercoaster advertised on TV it was on the top of his list to Father Christmas.
It took hubby around 4 hours to build – was it worth it? According to the boys YES!!
Knex rollercoaster *almost* complete!
A photo posted by Suburban Mum (@suburbanmum) on
That’s our favourites for December – what were yours?
Linky rules
Each month I will list five things that my family and I have been into – be it a favourite song/band, new programme on tv, item of food, gadget place(s) we have visited etc…
You are very welcome to join in and do the same OR post any of your own favourites – pretty much anything goes.
- Please grab my badge (below) and add it to your post, or link to me via a text link
- Post your link at the bottom of this page
- Use the hashtag #OurFaveFive on twitter and tweet me @suburb4nmum with the url of your linked up blog post and I will RT
- Leave me a comment and I will comment on each post linked up
- The linky will open the last friday of each month
- That’s it – enjoy! I hope you find some new things to try
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5 thoughts on “Our Favourite Five – December”
Great favourites for the month and of course Xmas has to be at the top of all of them!! I also enjoyed spending some quality time with my family!! Having a 2 weeks blogging break was fantastic. I really needed it!! What a great present from your husband!! A camera is always well needed for us right? It looks great!! Read your post about Disney on Ice. That show is always great to go with the kids. I haven’t seen or heard of that game (apart from reading it from your previous post) about the K’nex Double Doom Rollescoaster. It looks super fun though!! I bet your hubby loved it the most!! lol Thanks for hosting, 🙂 xx
Some great favourites for the month- December is a hard one!!! Love the photo of the indoor picnic – we do that sometimes and it is great fun!
Lovely Favourites Suburban Mum x Looking forward to catching up with you all soon! I am also VERY much struggling with the return to work and school!!
Wonderful list of December favourites! I think a camera is the best gift you can give to a blogger, isn’t it? the roller coaster toy looks amazing, think if my little boy will see it, he would definitely like one too. It’s always nice to have a break from work, only got 1 week off though but still lovely to just chill out at home and spend quality time with family. Lovely post!
Aww I loved the family time over Christmas too so, so much I was sad when my son went back to pre-school I want to stay in the cocoon a little longer. Fab new camera too! Thanks for linking up to #lvoelythings