8 ways to create the perfect morning routine for busy mums

The morning routine as a mum can feel like an impossible challenge to face. It’s also likely to feel like the most exhausting part because your body is still tired from waking up and perhaps your morning currently looks like a 4 am start with a finishing time that will have you crawling back into bed.

Creating the perfect morning routine for busy mums is one that takes time to get right. There’s often trial and error involved in order to find what works for you and your household. Not every busy mum can get up an hour or two before their kids because that means getting up in the middle of the night.

With that being said, here are eight ways to create the perfect morning routine for busy mums. These are just ideas so feel free to adapt them in order to fit into your reality of the morning grind.

cup of tea

Be sure to have a good night’s sleep

In order for the perfect morning routine to exist, it’s often the work that you do in order to get a good night’s sleep that matters most. Of course, depending on the age of your kids and what their sleep routine looks like, will depend on how good of a night’s sleep you have.

However, there are certainly some things that you can do to make sure you give yourself the best possible chance of a good night’s sleep.

Invest in blackout blinds where they’re needed. There’s nothing worse than being kept awake by the bright lights of cars driving by or street lighting. Double up with curtains and chances are, you’ll find that the room becomes a lot darker than it was.

Alternatively, look at wearing an eye mask to bed. You could also introduce some spa music or white noise in the space to help block out any noise from the outside.

You should also try to go to bed earlier where you can and avoid your phone during the wind down to bed in order to avoid your brain being wired.

Pick out the right breakfast meal

The best breakfast will help you start off the day right and that means finding something that will fuel your body and make you happy. It’s good to be mindful of what breakfasts are ideal for you and your busy schedule in the morning.

You might find that you benefit from making overnight oats for example. This could be a good way of prepping a delicious breakfast without needing to rush and do anything in the morning.

Keep it simple with a bowl of cereal or toast but add a bit of peanut butter to that toast in order to get a good source of protein into your body. Cereals high in fibre can be great for making sure you start the day off right.

Never avoid or skip breakfast on purpose, as this can certainly do damage to your health and well-being in general. Your body is empty when it wakes up and so needs that fuel in order to kickstart itself into action. Skipping it will only make you feel bad internally, as well as not putting you in the best mindset.

Take time to meditate or exercise where possible

Taking time out to meditate or exercise might not always be possible but if you’ve got some spare time somewhere in the morning, a quick session can be helpful to get yourself in the right frame of mind and to give your body a bit of exercise.

Try to make meditation something you do in a quiet space, even if it’s limited to just five minutes. For exercise, be aware of how much time you do have and tailor the workout so that you can do the most with the time but without it impacting any other part of your morning routine or getting in the way of others in the household.

Drink your coffee while it’s hot

If you’re a lover of coffee or hot drinks in the morning to start your day, be sure to do so while it’s hot. There should be one drink in the day that you can enjoy warm, even if the rest end up going tepid or cold.

Make that morning coffee made from delicious Italian espresso beans, the coffee you drink while it’s still warm. Avoid it going cold and take a moment to enjoy those few sips before you get swept up in the busy morning routine.

Take advantage of any moments for self-care

Self-care is something that we should really all be doing in order to look after ourselves. After all, how can you expect to pour from a cup that’s empty or worn and tired?

and breathe neon sign

Forms of self-care could be taking a nice bubble bath or treating your skin to a skincare routine every day. Taking advantage of any moments for self-care is important so try and allocate some time where possible. 

Try tapping out with your partner so that they can take over while you get yourself ready for the day. Take those extra few minutes to give yourself a little bit of a pamper. It truly makes a big difference to how you’ll feel about yourself as a result.

Try to have breakfast around a table as a family

Having breakfast around the table as a family is important. You should be aiming to have at least one meal at the dining table or breakfast bar as a family. Family meals help to build relationships and create memories, so it’s good to ensure your breakfast is one of those meal times.

Try to get everyone up and around the table as quickly as possible. The earlier you get them around the table, the more time you have to bond and ensure everyone has a good meal in their belly before heading to school or work. 

Add some skincare to your shower or bath

To help add to that skincare routine, you should look to incorporate it into your shower or bath time if possible. There are plenty of lotions and exfoliants that you could use in your bath or shower so that you do two tasks at once. 

Shower or bath scrubs, in particular, can be really helpful and are a great way to buff the skin and remove all of that dead skin that is likely clinging to your skin. There are some great bath and shower oils that you can get to in order to lock in the moisture you add to your body during this time.

If you want to level up these moments of bliss in the morning, consider lighting a candle or incense to give those at-home spa vibes.

Avoid your phone so that you prioritise time 

Finally, it’s a good thing to try and avoid your phone in the mornings so that you can make full use of the time you do have available. Avoiding your phone so that you can enjoy the slow mornings is definitely helpful and it also stops you from getting distracted in those moments where you’re trying to enjoy family time.

It’s useful to let your body wake up and adjust before subjecting it to the bright blue light of a smartphone or tablet device. Instead, read a book or just take time to take in your surroundings that are so familiar but perhaps overlooked at times.

These tips will help build towards a morning routine that will suit any busy mum who currently struggles to have a routine in the first place.

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