Some amazing ways to make your home safer & healthier

Most of us are concerned with being as healthy and safe as possible,  ensuring that our families are too. A lot of what you need to do to make sure this happens is in the home. Therefore, this is one of the most important places that you need to look to in order to ensure that you are doing all you can to keep yourself and your family safe, sound and well.

Here are some of the very best ways to do that.


Bring In some plants

If you don’t already have plants in your home, this is something you might want to think about as there are many benefits. Firstly, they help to purify the air. Certain plants are especially good for this, but all plants do it somewhat. They also absorb carbon dioxide, amongst other chemicals, making the indoor air safer to breathe.

As well as that, having plants in the home will also increase humidity, which is linked to lower stress levels. Lower stress levels lead to a better sense of wellbeing in so many ways so if you’re keen to make your home as good for your health as you would like it to be, consider adding in some plants.


Keep UV out

If you live in a particularly hot and sunny part of the world, then you will need to think about the UV levels that might be coming into your home on a daily basis. We are all aware of the importance of keeping out of the sun when it’s hot outside, but you might not be aware that this is something you also have to think about when you are at home. If you are not careful, and if you have big windows, you might find that you are allowing a good deal of UV light to enter the home, which can be very damaging and dangerous for you in the long run.

So how can you get around this, and ensure that you are keeping UV out of the home? One way is to change your windows to smaller options, but an easier solution is simply to install some good quality outdoor blinds, so that you can make sure you are not being bombarded by UV light in the home. You could also have some heavy curtains put up – and be careful with any skylights that you might have in your home, especially when it’s the middle of a sunny day. It’s wise to be aware of these things in the home.

Allow air to flow

Airflow is another hugely important concern if you want to keep your home as safe and healthy as possible. As long as you are allowing air to flow freely, means you are going to have fewer problems to deal with that could otherwise impact your wellbeing. For instance, it means you’ll have less damp and mould, which is important because that can be surprisingly damaging to your lungs and other parts of your body. You will also have better air quality, and you’ll be less likely to suffer from carbon monoxide poisoning.


To achieve good airflow in your home is quite simple. More often than not, it’s just a case of making sure that you open a window every now and then. If you never do that, you are not going to have the airflow you need. You might also need to install a vent if you don’t already have one – and make sure that you keep any vents you do have clean and working properly. As long as you do those basic things, you should find that the airflow is a lot better in your home.

Control dust levels

Dust is obviously not great if you are keen to keep your home clean and tidy – but did you know that it is also a big health hazard? An excess of dust in the home can be bad for your lungs and throat, and if you or anyone in your home has asthma or a similar condition, that can be exacerbated by an excess of dust. It can also make breathing more difficult and uncomfortable, which is obviously something you would rather avoid in general.

Fortunately, it’s pretty straightforward to keep your home free of dust. All you need to do is make sure that you are cleaning the home regularly and that you are not allowing more dust to develop and collect. That means deep-cleaning behind refrigerators and cabinets and so on, which is not necessarily something you do all the time at present. The more you do this, the better.


Online Safety

Keeping safe online is incredibly important, especially if you have kids. It is helpful if you think of this as part of your overall safety rather than something separate from it. If you are able to do this, you’ll find that everyone is so much better off, so it really is worth doing and making sure that you are doing it right.

Keeping on top of your online safety in the home can be achieved in a few basic and simple ways. First of all, make sure that you are using a firewall and that you have parental protection in place. You should also think about being careful with passwords, and encrypt data that is especially sensitive. This is a very simple way to make sure that you and your family are safe online, but it’s an invaluable and vital thing to do too.

If you can do all that, you should find that your home is a much better place to live for your overall well-being.

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