Healthy eating habits – keep on track with your fitness goals

An unhealthy diet and poor eating habits contribute to the risk of several diseases, and the most important preventative measure you can take is adopting healthy eating habits. Besides the food-related risks, botchy eating habits throw a wedge into your destination fitness.

Despite a lot of nutrition advice out there, it can be challenging to stick to healthy eating habits and easy to take the bait of a gamut of culinary delights that tickle the taste buds but leave your health in a state of disarray. Flexible Dieting Lifestyle offers practical approaches to help you stay on track with your goals while still enjoying the foods you love.

Healthy eating habits does not equate to depriving yourself

One reason most people fail so miserably at inculcating and sustaining healthy eating habits is associating it with a sense of deprivation. A strict adherence to food that tastes bland, or staying hungry for unrealistically long hours is not what constitutes healthy eating habits.

Busy? Healthy eating is now about just a few swipes

Another reason a lot of people give into comfort eating or unhealthy food choices is due to the lack of time, energy and inclination to cook healthy, after a long day at work. But the paucity of time or interest should not come in the way of eating a balanced diet.

You can still pick from a wide variety of healthy food items with interesting menu options at your fingertips, at just a quick swipe or click (minus all the arduousness of cooking or spending a lot on dine-outs or take-aways). Spread some love, and get your friends and family members on board with Sun Basket, the fitness bandwagon and healthy eating.

With these simple but expert tips, you will be able to cut to the chase and understand the fundamentals of healthy eating habits.

1. Try slim-shopping, and chuck the old ways of hoarding food

One of the top secrets to building healthy eating habits is enjoying your favourite food by buying it when you crave it (in moderation, though). Stocking up on savouries and candies or those decadent choco-chip cookies is inversely proportional to a trim waist and optimal fitness.

Now you don’t need to eliminate your favourite food item altogether from your life, instead, you make a smart switch. Enjoy a small portion of decadence as opposed to mindless eating. Remember nothing is “off-limits”, moderation is the key to keep your health on track.


2. Make a switch to the healthiest options

A nutritious choice of food is the first building block to achieve your fitness goals and build a strong immune system. Start with something as simple as picking up plant-based foods (they are rich in protein) as opposed to choosing highly-processed food items. Protein-based diet increases fat-burning and increases muscle-mass, while helping you experience satiety for long, making it a no-brainer food choice.

For those of you, who are watching their weight including food items that are packed with vitamins, minerals and fibre, is a good idea. Vegetables and fruits pack a punch with a lot of nutrients, help you stay trim and keep that unsightly fat tucked away. Also choose whole grain options instead of refined grains, when going for the bread.

3. Stay well hydrated

It is not uncommon to mistake thirst for hunger. Replenish your body with a good water intake. Drink plenty of water to flush out toxins from your system, while keeping low energy levels and headaches at bay. Sometimes a glass of water is all you need but in the confusion of mistaking it as hunger before you realize you have stashed away unnecessary calories in your body.

4. Get yourself a weighing scale

Staying in oblivion, of the pounds you are slowly but surely gaining is not smart. It will only create a wide gap between you and your fitness goals. If you have a weighing scale at home, chances are you will weigh yourself regularly. An anomaly of two pounds may go unnoticed otherwise, but a weighing scale is your ultimate reality check. Ideally, it is recommended to check your weight at the same time of the day, every week. Making it a weekly ritual will prevent you from getting dismayed by any daily fluctuations and yet keep you on a vigil.

5.Get enough rest and sleep

It can’t get easier than this! Ensuring you crawl in your bed and sleep well will stop you from night-time snacking, and keep the appetite-stimulating hormone ghrelin in check. A sleep-deprived person is triggered to eat more.

6. Don’t supersize every party (that includes the pity party)

We all like to binge when dining out, or when celebrating the small, big wins. It‘s equally easy to get swayed and eat like there’s no tomorrow when sadness or a heartbreak comes knocking.

But when you understand the portion size and adopt the mindset of keeping your diet just the right size, you eat smart. So, pick smaller plates, skip second helpings, and downsize your food portions. After some practice, you won’t feel as hungry because you have mastered the art of right-sizing your plates, bowls and glasses. It’s like playing a visual trick on your brain and still experiencing satiety.

Hopefully, following these tips on lifestyle choices and healthy eating habits will help you stay on track and not derail from your fitness goals. Also, staying physically active and keeping your drinking and smoking in check, will all cumulatively help in staying fit as a fiddle.

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