Almost camping – Living Arrows 27/52

Last weekend was another busy one packed with lots of fun. The boys came home with their school reports on Friday, and both teachers have their personalities down to a T. It’s so lovely to read about what they’ve been interested in learning over the last school year.

They also had transfer day last week where they spend the day in their new classroom with their new teacher. We found out that E will be having his old Year 3 teacher back, which is amazing. All the parents loved her as she was so attentive and good with not just the kids but for us parents too.

Saturday we ventured down to Kent to see some friends who we’ve not seen in a while. They were camping at The Hop Farm for the weekend. We don’t do camping as a family, so it was a good compromise to spend the day with them instead. The boys loved being out in the open field and happily played there all day. They had water fights, played football and even made up their own games to play. It just goes to show that they don’t need much to keep them entertained.


We had a barbecue and stayed late as the boys had been going around gathering wood for a campfire. It’s as close to real camping as we are going to get, but we all had a good day. I think if we ever considered camping for real we’d definitely have to make sure we were well-equipped for it. There are some great camping gadget ideas in this blog post.


There’s just one more week of school left before the summer and it can’t come soon enough for the boys. M has been overtired after a couple of weekends with late nights and has been very emotional and teary. Here’s hoping he manages to get through the last week of school!

I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

Read my previous Living Arrows posts

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3 thoughts on “Almost camping – Living Arrows 27/52”

  1. We still have a couple of weeks left! But I am so ready for the holidays. This sounds like a lovely day. My husband doesn’t like camping but a day works well. Love the idea of a hop farm x

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