
Ways the elderly can adapt their home

It’s been a tough year for everyone. COVID has truly changed the way we live our lives.

I think it has hit our elderly loved ones the most. My husband’s nan is 99 and lives on her own in a bungalow. Although she has my husband’s Aunt as her carer, COVID has meant she has feared going outdoors, and so she has spent the majority of 2020 at home.

Usually, she would have numerous members of her family visit, and during the Christmas holidays, she would most look forward to seeing her children, Grand Children and Great Grandchildren. Unfortunately, with the recent government announcements of putting part of the South East into Tier 4, her hopes of seeing family members have been dashed.

With Winter around the corner, the cold weather makes it that much harder to get around, and with mobility not being what it was, you can be prone to falls and injury. Luckily she has had her bungalow adapted so she can get around doing her everyday tasks as best she can.

Here are just some ideas on how you can adapt your home


For those who don’t live in a bungalow, a stairlift will help you get up and down the stairs with ease, without jarring your joints.

Age UK Mobility has a wide range of products, from stairlifts to baths and showers. They will find out your needs and requirements and advise you on the products that will be most suited to you.


Shower Seat

Adapting the bathroom will prevent the elderly from falling and slipping while in the bath or shower. A shower seat will enable them to be able to wash without having to stand up.

Grab Rails

Grab rails can easily be added around the home to provide support when walking or standing up.

As well as adapting the home for the elderly, make sure they are keeping their home warm in the Winter. They can do this by wearing a number of layers to build up warmth, having their heating constantly on at a low temperature and use blankets to snuggle under to keep warm.


*This post has been written in collaboration with Age UK Mobility

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