7 ways to make money through blogging

Many of us start blogging as a way to record memories so that we have something to look back on in years to come. Nowadays, blogging has changed and enabled many bloggers to not only record their memories and detail their lives but to also earn a living from it.

It’s worth noting here that making money by setting up a blog doesn’t just happen. It will take some groundwork to get the blog up and running and you will need to generate regular content and gradually increase your pageviews to be able to look start generating an income from it. However, there are other ways you attempt to make money online, you can see more info here.

If you are wondering how bloggers can earn money from their blogs – read on to find out.


7 ways you can make money through blogging


Probably the most straightforward way of earning some pennies. You can sign up to Google Ads and run banners across your blog. Each view and click will make you some £, although you will need to meet a minimum threshold to be entitled to a payout.

Affiliate links

If you have a loyal following and enjoy sharing/recommending the products and items you love on your blog, then Affiliate marketing could be a relatively easy way to make money. You’ll need to sign up to various affiliate networks; these places will generate a unique tracking link for you to place in your blog posts. Readers who then decide to buy said item will have helped you earn a small percentage of what the product is worth. Popular Affiliate Marketing schemes include Amazon Associates and AWIN.

Hosting guest posts

Once your blog is established, you may find you will be contacted by SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) individuals or companies wanting to place articles on your blog to build up some backlinks. A fee is usually paid for hosting these guest posts. You can, of course, negotiate your fee but be prepared for them to offer you payment in the form of “exposure” too.

Writing sponsored posts and/or paid reviews

In a similar vein to guest posts, SEO individuals or brands may also approach you to write about their product or service. Usually, on top of writing the post, they will also expect to have this shared across your social media channels too.


Collaborating with brands

If your blog is a good fit for a brand, they may well approach you and suggest a paid collaboration. These types of partnerships can come in different forms. For example, a brand may want you to write a series of blog posts centred around days out with the family. This would include them sending you on a day out with travel and/or expenses paid so that you can use the experience to create your content. This type of collaboration showcases the brand to your readers across your blog and social channels. Other collaborations can be on a smaller scale where you are required to showcase a brand and their message in your own words. If there is a brand you think you would be a great fit for, consider reaching out to them yourself. More often than not, you will be able to find their Press contact details on the internet. Introduce yourself and ask if they can pop you on their database for future collaborations.


Alongside writing, you will also find that you will need to up your photography skills to show off the items you are promoting for brands. Custom backdrops help you to remember the most valuable times will come in use to make your photograpy look professional.

Event Attendance

Attending blogging events takes time out of your day. It is not unreasonable to ask the event organisers if they have budget available for either attending. If this isn’t possible, try asking to see if they can cover your travel expenses.

These are just some of the ways you can earn money through blogging. It may also be worth looking at how you can protect your blogging income too. Money Expert life insurance products offer policies from just £5 a month.

I hope you found this post useful. Do you make money from blogging?

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