7 tips for painting your home with no mistakes

So, you’ve decided to give your walls a fresh lick of paint, have you? Bravo! It’s a great way to freshen up your home and give it a new lease of life. But, you know what? Painting can be a tricky business, fraught with potential blunders. So, before you get busy with your roller, let’s talk about how to paint your place without making all the usual mistakes

renovating new home

1. Choose your weapons wisely

This is one battle you won’t win with subpar armoury. Start by investing in high-quality tools for sale. Hit up your local DIY store or scour online for deals on top-notch brushes, rollers, and paint trays. And don’t forget the ever-so-critical painter’s tape for those clean, sharp edges. A good tool feels right in your hand and doesn’t leave you with a bristly surprise on your freshly painted wall.

2. Preparation is key

If painting were a party, preparation would be the guest of honour. Wash your walls to banish any mystery smudges or dust bunnies. Lay down dust sheets like you’re tucking the floor in for a nap. And take your time with that painter’s tape—think of it as putting up tiny fences to protect your non-paint zones. The smoother your canvas, the smoother your painting experience.

3. Primer isn’t just for YouTube beauty gurus

Primer is your secret weapon when it comes to painting your home well. It ensures your chosen colour shines through in all its glory, not dulled by the sins of wallpapers past. Plus, it reduces the need for multiple coats. Consider it the base coat to your nail varnish—it makes everything better.

4. Dip, wipe, roll

It’s time to paint! But keep your enthusiasm in check—no one likes a drippy mess. Dip your brush or roller lightly, then gently wipe off the excess. Start with smooth, even strokes or rolls. It’s not a race; think more “zen garden” and less “5-year-old let loose with finger paints.”

5. Keep a wet edge

Here’s a pro tip: always work from a ‘wet edge’—which means each stroke of your roller or brush should overlap slightly with the last while it’s still fresh. This helps to avoid those dreaded streaks and lines, giving you a finish so smooth it’d make a dolphin jealous.

6. Take care of breaks

If you need a tea break (and you will, this is hard work), don’t just leave your tools lying about. Wrap brushes or rollers in cling film or a plastic bag to keep them from drying out. They’ll be as fresh as when you left them, ready to get back into the action without any fuss.

7. Lighting matters

Ever painted a room and thought it looked great, only to see all sorts of imperfections with the morning sun? Yep, lighting can be deceptive. Whenever possible, paint in daylight, as it’s the most unforgiving critic and will show you if you’ve missed a spot.

By arming yourself with the right tools and a bit of know-how, you’ll be painting like a pro in no time, and if all else fails, remember that professional painters are just a phone call away. Happy painting!

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