
6 tips to help you take care of your elderly parent

No one likes to think about their parents growing old, but it is a simple fact of life. With the passing years, physical and mental capabilities become diminished, and we can’t always expect our parents to be able to take care of themselves. For that reason, if you have an elderly parent or know someone who does and they need help taking care of themselves, here are some tips for making their lives as easy as possible.


Prioritise their safety

One of the most important things to do as a caregiver is prioritising your parents’ safety. This can mean so many different things – making sure they have adequate lighting, that medication isn’t within their reach, and ensuring the environment is safe. Another great way to make sure your ageing parent isn’t faced with any unnecessary risks from limited mobility is by investing in a quality stairlift. As seen at, it allows for easy, comfortable movements up and down the stairs so your parents won’t have to worry about hurting themselves. All of these aspects need to be taken into consideration when you provide care for an elderly parent or a loved one who needs assistance with daily tasks.

Make sure they have adequate nutrition

Trying to feed yourself or another person is incredibly difficult if you have limited mobility, which is why it’s important to make sure your parents always have the nutrition they need readily available in their house. This means placing food within reach and having easy access to it. You can organise meals for the week ahead of time and make sure they know where to find them throughout the day. If you have a parent who lives alone, it is also a good idea to invest in a prepared meal service that delivers right to their front door. Having food available will improve your parents’ quality of life, which is the top priority when you are caring for an elderly parent.

Check on them regularly

As our parents get older, we can’t always expect them to be able to tell us how they’re feeling daily. This is why you need to check in on your parents regularly while also being sensitive about needing so much attention from you. Try stopping by every couple of days without a set schedule so you aren’t disrupting their life too greatly while making sure you don’t overstay your welcome. Being there when they need help is what will keep them comfortable and happy, but too much attention can eventually become annoying for them as well.

Keep things clean and tidy

Maintaining a clean house is important to your elderly parent’s safety, but it also plays into their mental well-being. When there are big piles of clutter around the house, it makes them feel even more overwhelmed than they already do because everything becomes more difficult for them to manage. Cleaning up regularly will not only make the environment safe, but it can help your parent feel more relaxed and comfortable. Additionally, try to keep everything organised so they know where to find what they need. This will help them feel more comfortable getting around the house without worrying about losing important items.

Find ways to entertain them

As your parents get older, it can be hard for them to leave their houses because of their limited abilities or fear that something might happen when they go out. Make sure you and your family make it a priority to come over and visit them often while also trying to find ways to entertain them inside the comfort of their home. It can be as easy as playing cards or board games with them or making up an activity that everyone can enjoy together. No matter how old they get, your parents will always want to know that they are loved and that you will always be there for them.

Hire professional help as necessary

If you find yourself unable to juggle all of the above aspects while also holding down a full-time job and spending time with your own family, it might be a good idea to hire some outside help for when you need to step away. It can become incredibly stressful trying to handle everything but if you don’t want your elderly parent to pay the price for your neglect, hiring additional help will let you truly enjoy their company while keeping them safe and comfortable at home. Just make sure they are reputable and trustworthy to avoid any potential problems.


Caring for an elderly parent can be a delicate balance of responsibility and attention.  Doing what you can to help them while also accommodating your own family and needs might seem like a lot to handle, but with these six tips in mind, you should be cruising along just fine.

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