
4 best ways to keep your indoor air smelling clean and fresh

Keeping your home sealed off from your immediate environment may be doing more harm than good if your intention is to keep polluted air away from your family. A house that couldn’t “breathe” properly, even if it’s just a single-story structure, can cause its inhabitants to suffer from Sick Building Syndrome. First named in the 1970s, this phenomenon manifests when the occupants of a building develop health issues such as cold symptoms and severe breathing difficulties. These health problems have now been associated with inadequate ventilation, the spread of chemical contaminants from indoor and outdoor sources, and the proliferation of bacteria, viruses, moulds, and other biological contaminants in one’s home.

If the air inside your home is starting to develop a peculiar smell or feel stale, then it’s a good time to examine how you can clean it and keep it smelling fresh. Here’s what you can do.

Deep clean or change air filters regularly

Due to the intense heat in the Philippines, many Filipino homes regularly make use of air conditioning units. Perhaps you have centralised air conditioning or your home makes use of a portable, window-type, or split-type aircon. These units all have air filters of some form, and they need to be cleaned periodically. If you haven’t done so lately, take a look at the filter of your air conditioners and do a little bit of cleaning. These filters could be loaded with dust and debris, which the air conditioner might recirculate into your home while the unit is in use. By cleaning the air filter, you reduce the chances that your cooling unit will blow these dust particles all over your home.


Use Air cleaners to purify indoor air

Some air conditioning units have air purifiers that can be used to automatically improve the air quality indoors. However, you can also buy stand-alone air purifying units that you can use to clean the air that you breathe. These appliances have become quite popular following the pandemic, so they should still be widely available in the market. Still, take note that air purifiers have their limits. Some units work best for a small room, while others are made for continuous use. Carefully assess the kind of service that you can expect from the air purifier that you are eyeing before you finalise your purchase.

Eliminate individual sources of pollution

If the air in your home is starting to feel stale or smell musty, it’s worth investigating where these unpleasant odours are coming from. Is it too humid inside the house and if so, has it led to the growth of mould? Perhaps there’s a leak somewhere that’s contributing to this high level of humidity. If dampness is not an issue, it’s a good idea to look at the nooks and crannies where the odour might come from. Perhaps the trash can has not been thoroughly cleaned, the laundry has not been collected, or some food produce has spoiled. To improve the indoor air, it’s best to eliminate the source of the funky smell. If you live with pets in your home, be proactive with their grooming so as to minimise the hair and dander coming from them. Regularly clean your drapes, rugs, carpets, and furniture as well to eliminate the odours that they may harbour.


Improve the ventilation inside your home

Poor ventilation can cause plenty of issues in residential units. If the air is too damp, it can lead to mould growth, which can then cause allergic reactions among the inhabitants of your home. If you’re not in the habit of opening your doors and windows regularly, then fresh air might not get inside your house and dilute the air pollutants that have been lingering in the space for some time. If you’ve just undertaken repainting, remodelling, or renovation projects, these can produce high levels of pollution and you should allow fresh air inside your home right after these activities. Ensuring that your home is well-ventilated brings you a step closer to empowering your family to breathe clean, fresh air.

Still, there are times when you should keep your doors and windows closed as well. This is the best course of action if there are high levels of pollution directly outside your home, such as if there’s a fire or smog nearby or if you live near main roads.

Air pollution is everywhere, even inside one’s home. Even if your address is far from major thoroughfares or industrial zones or if you don’t have a garage that’s attached to your home, chances are that the indoor air that you and your family are breathing could be made cleaner. Go over these tips and ensure that you and your loved ones are enjoying clean air inside your own home.

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